Client: Chancellery of the Prime Minister/Federal Public Service Health Belgium
Communication campaign and organisation of a game/route in Brussels based on the theme of organ donation.
At each stage of the route, a damaged car was tagged and schoolchildren had to answer questions about organ donation. For each answer, volunteers (people who had already received transplants) gave them an organ – symbolised by a car part (e.g. a carburettor symbolised a ‘heart’ or a radiator hose symbolised an ‘intestine’, etc.). The game took place over one week, with around a dozen or so classes per day and some 1,500 participants. It ended on a Saturday with a concert given by a robot made of mechanical pieces, playing drums on a podium located on Place Ste Catherine.
Chosen strategies: mail shots to all Belgian schools via secondary school teachers working with fifth and sixth-year students, and posters and banners for the organisation of a closing-day event for the European Day for Organ Donation & Transplantation.